|Physical Health| Stick to a 80% diet.

1952 days until 2030.

How much time do you spend deciding what to eat?

On average people spend about 1-2 hours per week deciding what to eat - 10-20 minutes per day on average. For 17 years I navigated thousands of decisions around meal choices and preparation, leading to significant time spent and not optimal health performance.

Years ago I started eating the same breakfast, lunch, and pre and post workout meals every day. By structuring my diet to meet my specific macro and calorie needs, I created an 80% consistent meal plan, allowing for varied dinners and social meals outside of this routine.

This consistent meal prep enabled the achievement of physique goals and year-round good health. It also freed up thousands of hours that I could redirect toward work and other important areas of life.

There is also substantial literature indicating that proper nutrition enhances cognitive function, improves mood, and supports long-term brain health. An intentional diet can lead to sharper focus, better decision-making, and overall improved mental performance, which directly benefits your career and work output.

You need to optimize your time and health. Start your 80% meal prep. A nutritionally balanced, consistent diet isn’t just a path to better health—it’s a strategy for reclaiming time and enhancing your professional performance.


|Mental Performance| Read 10 pages every day.


1698 days in.