1698 days in.

Today there are 1954 days until 2030. So far 1698 days have past in this decade.

I have always been intentional on making this decade the period of time to achieve the large goals.

I set the goals with a due date of January 1st 2030. The goals are also large enough to take years of work. Not all days have been used effectively so far but since 2019 I have researched and trained myself to make 99.9% of my days matter.

Currently the way I live is intentional at every step to optimise the results of physical health, mental performance and business. I have lived this way for years now and feel an obligation that the next step is sharing it with everyone else.

We can all achieve large goals by 2030. Everyday until then matters. Pursuing personal excellence in physical health, mental performance and business daily will produce results. On January 1st 2030 goals will be achieved or very close to it.

Days Until 2030 is the project created to document, break down, and further refine the methods of how I live in physical health, mental performance and business in pursuit of my 2030 goals. Everything said will be straight to the point.


|Physical Health| Stick to a 80% diet.