Monday September 30 2024. 1918 days until 2030.
||Physical Health||
10 minutes bike.
4*10 hanging leg raises.
6*10 teapots.
Berry Smoothie.
Protein Nut Bar.
Pesto Chicken Pasta.
Beef, rice and vegetables.
Protein shake.
||Mental Perfomance||
|Task List|
1. 10 Pages[Complete]
2. Workout[Complete]
3. Days until 2030[Complete]
4. ArcPlatforms[Complete]
5. Visualise[Complete]
Meditations - Marcus Aurelius
Pages 0-9
|Cube Solve|
Continued work on ArcPlatforms Chat V2. Consulted with company that wants to do business (large software project over 12 months).
||Today’s Music||
The Southern Sea - Garth Stevenson
The Grandeur of a Modest Moment - Slow Meadow