Monday August 26 2024.1953 days until 2030.
||Physical Health||
3*12 romanian deadlift.
3*10 walking lunges.
3*12 seated leg extensions.
4*12 lying leg curls.
3*10 Russian twists.
10 minutes indoor cycling.
Berry Smoothie.
Protein Nut Bar.
Pesto Chicken Pasta.
Chicken Breast and Vegetables.
Protein shake.
||Mental Perfomance||
|Task List|
1. 10 Pages[Complete]
2. Workout[Complete]
3. Personal Brand[Complete]
4. ArcPlatforms[Complete]
5. Visualise[Complete]
Competitive Programming In Python 128 Algorithms to Develop your Coding Skills
Pages 100-109
Various algorithms to solve problems: Topological Sorting, Project File Dependencies.
|Cube Solve|
Completed chat inbox fetching API functions and tests for ArcPlatforms. Submitted new versions of the app to the store.
|Today’s Music|
Looking into the Past - Benn Jordan
Clair de Lune, L.32 - Claude Debussy