Sunday August 25 2024. 1954 days until 2030.

||Physical Health||


4*10 narrow grip lat pulldown

3*12 standing lat pushdown.

3*12 barbell rows

4*12 barbell shoulder shrugs.

3*10 MTS abdominal crunch.

10 minutes Indoor treadmill run 12kmph.

3 minutes Indoor treadmill walk.




Berry Smoothie.

Protein Nut Bar.

Pesto Chicken Pasta.

Steak and Vegetables.

Protein shake.

||Mental Perfomance||

|Task List|

1. 10 Pages[Complete]

2. Workout[Complete]

3. Personal Brand[Complete]

4. ArcPlatforms[Complete]

5. Visualise[Complete]



Competitive Programming In Python 128 Algorithms to Develop your Coding Skills

Pages 90-99


Various algorithms to solve problems: Ricochet Robots, ABC Path, A Bug’s Life, Hike on a Graph, Prime Path, The Ant, Lego.

|Cube Solve|



Recorded first few videos and uploaded to YouTube and the Spotify podcast. Made first post to LinkedIn focused on the Days Until 2030. Implemented a quick feature request and released it for a ArcPlatforms customer.


Monday August 26 2024.1953 days until 2030.


Saturday August 24 2024. 1955 days until 2030.