Saturday September 7 2024. 1941 days until 2030.
||Physical Health||
3*10 Good mornings.
4*10 Linear leg press.
4*12 Linear calf raises.
4*6 Hanging windmills.
Berry Smoothie.
Protein Nut Bar.
Pesto Chicken Pasta.
Beef and Rice.
Protein shake.
||Mental Perfomance||
|Task List|
1. 10 Pages[Complete]
2. Workout[Complete]
3. Days until 2030[Complete]
4. ArcPlatforms[Complete]
5. Visualise[Complete]
Competitive Programming In Python 128 Algorithms to Develop your Coding Skills
Pages 219-230
Various algorithms to solve problems: Boolean Logic, Arithmetic Expressions, Cells, Ars Longa, Linear Equation Solver, Mixtures, The Safe Secret, Sweet and Sour Rock.Ï
|Cube Solve|
Continued chat inbox feature on ArcPlatforms.
||Today’s Music||
The Pioneers - M83 Remix - Bloc Party
The Mark - Interlude - Moderat