Monday September 2 2024. 1946 days until 2030.

||Physical Health||


4*10 Dumbbell lateral raises.

4*10 Cable rear delt flys.

3*12 ISO lateral shoulder press.

3*10 Front plate raises.

4*10 Hanging leg raises.




Berry Smoothie.

Protein Nut Bar.

Pesto Chicken Pasta.

Pork and Vegetables.

Protein shake.

||Mental Perfomance||

|Task List|

1. 10 Pages[Complete]

2. Workout[Complete]

3. Days until 2030[Complete]

4. ArcPlatforms[Complete]

5. Visualise[Complete]



Competitive Programming In Python 128 Algorithms to Develop your Coding Skills

Pages 170-179


Various algorithms to solve problems: Stock Charts, Taxi Cab Scheme, Huffman Trees, Variable Radix Huffman Encoding, Lowest Common Ancestor, Labyrinth, Longest path in a tree, SpeedCameras.

|Cube Solve|



Continued work on onboarding feature changes. Worked on billing feature changes. Created a bunch of sample push notifications for the ArcPlatforms promotion video. Made another Days Until 2030 episode and published.

||Today’s Music||

Theory of Machines - Ben Frost

We Drifted Apart - From “Surface” - Ólafur Arnalds


Tuesday September 3 2024. 1945 days until 2030.


Sunday September 1 2024. 1947 days until 2030.