Friday August 23 2024. 1956 days until 2030.

||Physical Health||


5*10 seated leg extensions.

4*10 hip abductor.

3*8 seated leg press.

5*12 seated calf raises.

6*10 Cable axe chops.

7 minute outdoor walk.

5 minute indoor cycling.




Berry Smoothie.

Protein Nut Bar.

Pesto Chicken Pasta.

Chicken Pie and vegetables.

Protein shake.

||Mental Perfomance||

|Task List|

1. 10 Pages[Complete]

2. Workout[Complete]

3. Personal Brand[Complete]

4. ArcPlatforms[Complete]

5. Visualise[Complete]



Competitive Programming In Python 128 Algorithms to Develop your Coding Skills

Pages 70-79


Various algorithms to solve problems: Easy Longest Increasing Subsequence, Mergesort, Unique Encryption Keys, Maximum Sum Sequences, Largest Rectangle, Negative Score.

|Cube Solve|



Reviewed and merged two large pull requests to code bases. Made final changes to mobile app before store submission for review. Discussed with engineering team a solution to a few chat system problems. Took a meeting to discuss marketing with a man I met at a networking dinner Tuesday night. Finished adding books to website bookshelf.


Saturday August 24 2024. 1955 days until 2030.


Thursday August 22 2024. 1957 days until 2030.