Monday August 19 2024. 1960 days until 2030.

||Physical Health||


3*10 Close grip lat pulldowns.

3*10 Machine rows.

3*8 Wide grip lat pull downs.

3*6 Barbell curls.

3*15 Cable crunches.

6 minutes indoor exercise bike.

5 minute walk outside.




Berry Smoothie

Protein Nut Bar

Pesto Chicken Pasta


Protein Shake

||Mental Perfomance||

|Task List|

1. 10 Pages[Complete]

2. Workout[Complete]

3. Personal Brand[Complete]

4. ArcPlatforms[Complete]

5. Visualise[Complete]



Competitive Programming In Python 128 Algorithms to Develop your Coding Skills

Pages 30-39


Various algorithms to solve problems: Minimum Scalar Product, Minimal Coverage, Fibonacci Sum, Fill The Cisterns, Egg Drop, Frosting on the Cake.

|Cube Solve|



Added two new few features on product that a customer needed. Continued product development on chat feature, discussed with cofounder different options of supporting customers using all features of product.


Tuesday August 20 2024. 1959 days until 2030.